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HiPath Access - Energy Saving

You can shut down HiPath Access 500 a/i for a specific time period.

IMPORTANT: No telephony services are possible while HiPath Access 500 a/i is shut down, not even emergency calls. This does not correspond to the working condition of a high-availability system. The customer must be informed of this peculiarity.

HiPath 4000 SoftGate WBM
--> Configuration
 --> Energy Saving

You can define the Shutdown Time and Wakeup Time of HiPath Access 500 a/i here. The shutdown and wakeup time is repeated on a daily basis, i.e. HiPath Access 500a/i is switched on and off at the same time every day. Energy-saving mode is switched on and off with the Enabled checkbox. The settings are adopted for HiPath Access 500 a/i with Apply.

In case of Standalone SoftGate if HiPath 4000 Platform Administration (Portal) IP address is not configured in xml file the HiPath 4000 Platform Administration (Portal) can be reached via the NCUI IP address and port 8443 (e.g.https://NCUI_IP:8443).

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